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- A Dependent Marking Approach to the Information Marking of Shilluk 김광섭
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- The Contextualized Existential Construction in Mandarin Chinese PEI-JUNG KUO
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- A Corpus-based Analysis of Collocations in Korean Middle and High School English Textbooks Young Shin Kim, Sun-Young Oh
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- FLE 교육에서 자존감 효과 탐색 김은정
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- Binding Conditions of English Reflexives and Ji-Hye Kim, Soojin An, Ahreum Jung
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- Speaking and Writing Connections in L2: The Roles of Multimodal Teaching and Learning Joohoon Kang
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- The Effects of Phonetic Duration on Loanword Adaptation: Mandarin Falling Diphthong in Chinese Korean Na-Young Ryu, Yoonjung Kang and Sungwoo Han