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 When will I receive my letter of admission?
 Letters of admission are mailed only to applicants for the Korean language program who have paid the tuition fee in full within the designated period. Approximately 1 month before the classes start, these letters are sent to the mailing address entered by each applicant in “Personal Information” on the Language Education Institute (LEI) homepage (http://www.lei.snu.ac.kr). Consequently, if and when an applicant fails to receive his or her letter of admission because he or she has entered the wrong mailing address, the Korean Language Education Center (KLEC) office will not be responsible.
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 How do I re-register if I’m already taking a Korean language course?
 If and when students who are currently enrolled in the Korean language program wish to continue to take Korean language courses during the following session, they must visit the Korean Language Education Center (KLEC) homepage (http://www.lei.snu.ac.kr), re-register online, and pay the tuition fee for the following session before the end of their currently enrolled courses. The tuition fee may be paid by credit card or direct cash payment. Credit card payments can be made by selecting “Credit card payment” from the payment methods when you register online, clicking on the “Yes” button when a popup window asking you to install the IPS program on your computer appears, entering your credit card information on the payment window that appears after the ISP program has been installed, and then clicking on the “Make payment” button. Direct cash payments can be made by transferring the tuition fee to the Language Education Institute (LEI) bank account in your name and informing the KLEC office. The LEI bank account information is as follows:
- Bank name: National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- Bank account number: 079-17-000714
- Bank account holder: Language Education Institute (LEI), Seoul National University
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 How do I apply for a dormitory room?
 Only those who have been admitted to a Korean language course in the regular program of the Korean Language Education Center (KLEC) may apply for boarding in the Language Education Institute’s (LEI) dormitory. However, because there are more applicants than dormitory rooms, not all applicants can live in the dormitory. Prospective dormitory residents are selected on a first-come, first-served basis, and priority is given to new students. Those who have been selected as prospective dormitory residents must enter the dormitory within the designated period. As for application for a dormitory room, you may visit the KLEC section on the LEI homepage (http://www.lei.snu.ac.kr) and apply online on “Dormitory” on the “Student Life” menu.
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 What happens if I don’t complete the online course evaluation?
 At the end of each session, all students in the Korean language programs provided by the Korean Language Education Center (KLEC) must complete online course evaluation on the Language Education Institute (LEI) homepage (http://www.lei.snu.ac.kr). In general, online course evaluation continues from 2 weeks before the end of the session to the last day of classes. If and when a student fails to complete the online course evaluation, he or she may not confirm his or her grade and attendance on the LEI homepage throughout the next session. In addition, please note that it is not possible to conduct online course evaluation after the course evaluation period.
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 Which documents must I submit to apply to the Korean language program?
To apply to the Korean language program provided by the Korean Language Education Center (KLEC), please check the documents at each program's "Application" page. All of these documents must be attached when applicants apply online on the Language Education Institute (LEI) homepage (http://www.lei.snu.ac.kr). Applications by e-mail or in person are not accepted.
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 How can I pay my tuition fee by credit card?
 If you wish to pay the tuition fee by credit card, you must first register online on the Language Education Institute (LEI) homepage (http://www.lei.snu.ac.kr). Credit card payments can be made by selecting “Credit card payment” from the payment methods when you register online, clicking on the “Yes” button when a popup window asking you to install the IPS program on your computer appears, entering your credit card information on the payment window that appears after the ISP program has been installed, and then clicking on the “Make payment” button.
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 How do I apply to the Korean language program?
Only online applications through the Language Education Institute (LEI) homepage (http://www.lei.snu.ac.kr) are accepted. Because applications by e-mail or in person are not accepted, all applicants who wish to take a Korean language course at the Korean Language Education Center (KLEC) must register online on the LEI homepage first and then apply online. Your application will be complete when, after online application, you pay the application fee (regular program: 60,000 KRW; evening classes: 30,000 KRW; short-term programs: 60,000 KRW).
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 How will I know if and when I’ve been admitted to the Korean language program?
 If and when you have been admitted to the Korean language program (regular program/special program), on the designated admissions announcement day, e-mail notifying you of your admission will be sent to the e-mail account that you entered when registering online. This e-mail will include all information needed to take Korean language classes at the Korean Language Education Center (KLEC) including the tuition fee payment deadline, placement test, and course descriptions. In addition, even if you cannot check the e-mail, you can confirm your application status by checking “My Application” on the “My Page” menu on the Language Education Institute (LEI) homepage (http://www.lei.snu.ac.kr).
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 Which documents must I submit to extend my visa?
 If and when currently enrolled students wish to continue to study Korean in South Korea, they must first pay the tuition fee for the following session in full to the language training organ in question. Then, to prove that they will continue to take Korean language courses during the following session, they must request from their language training organ a certificate of enrollment and the tuition payment receipt for the following session. With these two documents, you can apply for a visa extension at the nearest branch of the Korea Immigration Service (KIS). The branch of the KIS closest to the Gwanak campus of Seoul National University (SNU) is the Seoul Immigration Office.
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 For how long can I extend my visa?
Visas can be extended for a maximum of 6 months. If you wish to have an existing language training or general training visa (D-4; valid for 6 months) extended for another 6 months, you must pay the tuition fee for 6 months in full to the language training organ at which you are studying.